Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund

Learn about the investment objective, risks and returns of Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund. Understand the key features of the fund and who the fund is suitable for. Get the details of tax on the fund and answers to some frequently asked questions.

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Mutual Fund Schemes
5Y Returns
AUM(in Cr.)
2650.88Oct 14, 2024
2607.85Oct 14, 2024
1139.29Oct 14, 2024
1217.34Oct 14, 2024
1075.83Oct 14, 2024
1153.61Oct 14, 2024

Investment Objective of Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund

It is essential to understand the investment objective of the fund house to make an informed investment decision: Here are the key investment objectives of Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Funds:

  1. The fund house aims to generate consistent income through a debt and money market instruments portfolio.
  2. To achieve capital appreciation and generate returns commensurate with the risk taken.
  3. To invest in a well-diversified portfolio of debt and money market instruments of high credit quality.
  4. To invest in a mix of instruments with different maturities to manage liquidity and interest rate risk like a pro.
  5. Maintain an appropriate balance between yield and risk by actively managing the portfolio.

Risks Involved in Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund

Before starting your investment journey with the fund house, it is essential to decoding the Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund risks. The associated risk helps you to understand what scenarios you may encounter while staying invested with the mutual fund:

One of the critical risks associated with the Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund is market risk. By market risk, we mean the risk of losses in investments due to unfavourable changes in market conditions. Additionally, it is known as systematic risk or volatility risk.

Another risk that an investor can expect is credit risk. It is the risk of losses due to the default of the issuer of a security or failure to meet the contractual obligations. This type of risk occurs explicitly in debt mutual funds investments.

Additionally, an investor may expect liquidity risk. It is the risk of losses due to the lack of liquidity of the underlying investments. Such risks are usually observed in debt mutual funds as the funds cant be easily converted into cash.

Then there is interest rate risk. Such risks are associated with a change in interest rates. In the case of debt mutual funds, the underlying investments may have a fixed interest rate leading to interest rate risks.

Return Potential of Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund

An investor must understand the Mirae Asset Mutual fund return potential to determine the best mutual fund. It helps to understand what exactly the investor can expect from the investment. The return potential of the Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund is high, as it is a low-risk investment option with the potential to generate steady returns over the long term.

Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund is a debt-oriented mutual fund that invests in fixed-income securities such as treasury bills, government bonds, corporate bonds, and money market instruments. This type of fund is relatively safe, as it typically holds a portfolio of high-quality, low-risk debt instruments.

The fund’s returns are usually less volatile than those of equity funds, making it an ideal choice for investors looking to preserve capital and achieve steady returns over time. Additionally, Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund offers investors the benefit of diversification, as its portfolio typically consists of a range of debt securities.

Who Should Invest in Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund Schemes?

Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund is suitable for investors looking for steady returns with low risk. Investors looking for stability and regular income can benefit from investing in Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund. This type of fund is also suitable for investors with a long-term investment horizon and those looking to diversify their portfolios.

Things To Consider Before Investing in Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund

There are certain things that the investor should consider before investing in addition to Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund NAV and performance.

  1. Fund Management: Before investing in a Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund, it is essential to consider the fund management team, their track record and the strategies they employ.
  2. Returns: Investors should research the past returns of the Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund before investing. Understanding how the fund has performed in different market conditions is essential.
  3. Risk Profile: Investors should be aware of the risk involved in investing in a Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund. The fund’s risk profile should be compared with similar funds to make an informed decision.
  4. Expense Ratio: Investing in a Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund involves paying an expense ratio for the fund’s services. Investors should look into the expense ratio and compare it with other funds before investing.
  5. Investment Horizon: The Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund is designed for investors with a long-term investment horizon. If an investor’s investment timeline is not compatible with the fund’s, they should consider investing in other mutual funds.

Tax on Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund

The tax on Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund depends on your tax slab and the holding period. As an individual investor, you must pay short-term capital gains tax if you sell your units within three years of purchase. The tax rate will be as per your income tax slab. If you sell your units after three years, you must pay long-term capital gains tax at 20% after indexation.

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How is Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund doing?

The fund has generated consistent returns and outperformed its benchmark in the past few years. Its performance has been positive in 2022, and the fund has delivered around 6-7% returns over the past year. The fund is one of the top performers in its category, and investors can consider investing in it for long-term capital appreciation and stable returns.

Is Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund safe?

Yes, Mirae Asset Debt Mutual Fund is generally considered to be a safe option for investors. The fund invests in debt instruments such as government bonds, corporate bonds and money market instruments. This helps to reduce risk and provide a steady stream of income. The fund also has an experienced fund management team that follows a disciplined investment philosophy.

Is it good to invest in equity funds?

Investing in equity funds is an excellent way to diversify your portfolio and earn a higher return than other investments. Equity funds also provide diversification benefits, allowing you to invest in various stocks. However, equity funds can also be volatile and carry higher risks than other investments, so it is essential to understand the potential risks before investing.

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