How to Check CIBIL Score with PAN Card

How to Check CIBIL Score with PAN Card
Checking your CIBIL score with your PAN card number is important for understanding your creditworthiness. The CIBIL score, a numerical representation of your creditworthiness, is used by financial institutions to make decisions regarding loan and credit card applications.
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Written By
Thejus KS
Thejus KS
A mechanical engineer turned history buff with a sprinkle of financial brilliance. Thejus’s expertise comes with a unique blend of engineering precision, timelines, and the power of numerals. He knows that numbers are the pulse of our globe. Attention to detail and extensive research are the key elements of his writing.
Reviewed By
Piyush Bothra
Piyush Bothra
Chief Financial Officer, Square Yards
Piyush Bothra is the Chief Financial Officer at Square Yards, bringing over two decades of rich experience in finance and leadership. He is an MBA graduate from the prestigious IIM Lucknow and holds a BE in Information Technology from Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology. He has played pivotal roles in scaling businesses and driving financial strategies. At Square Yards since 2015, Piyush is known for his strategic vision, strong financial knowledge, and valuable financial insights, significantly contributing to the company's growth and success.

Your PAN card is a government-approved identity proof document linked with your financial accounts and tax payments. It is a unique 10-digit alphanumeric identity assigned to you by India’s Income Tax Department.

Pancard Picture

Your PAN card is crucial for accessing various financial services, such as opening a bank account, applying for a loan, and filing income tax returns. You can easily check and download your CIBIL report/score using your PAN card for free.

It is important to note that checking your CIBIL score using your PAN card does not impact your credit score. It is a soft inquiry that does not leave any footprints on your credit report. Therefore, you can check your CIBIL score as often as possible without worrying about any negative impact on your credit score.

Steps to Check CIBIL Score with PAN Number

  • Go to CIBIL’s official website.

cibil website

  • Click on  ‘Get Free Cibil Score & Report’

click on button

  • Enter your Name, Last name, email address, password, Date of Birth, Pincode, and Mobile Number


  • Select Pan Card as an ID
  • ID Option
  • Agree to the terms and conditions.

agree button

  •  OTP sent to your phone number


  • Cibil score will be displayed here

cibil score

  • You can check paid subscriptions also for other CIBIL services.

paid details

If you had previously checked your CIBIL Score/CIR, you could use your email address and password to retrieve the existing data. If this is your first time accessing the credit information, the website will guide you to the payment section. After completing the payment, you will be given the option to select how you would like to receive the score and report. You can opt for a physical report to be sent to your address through the postal service, or you can receive an electronic copy via email.

Steps to Check CIBIL Score with PAN Number on Urban Money

To use the PAN card to verify your CIBIL score, follow the steps listed below:

  • To access your credit score, enter your personal basic details.

enter details

  • Enter your mobile number and e-mail address.
  • Enter your Date of Birth.
  • Enter your PAN or permanent account number.

  • Now click on the ‘Check CIBIL Score’ option.

It’s free and really that easy. The best part? Checking your CIBIL Score on the Urban Money website does not impact your credit score.

Why PAN Card Necessary for a CIBIL score?

The PAN Card serves as a means of identification through its unique number, allowing individuals to be easily recognised. Additionally, PAN is linked to most individuals’ financial and banking accounts. This connection allows credit bureaus to access and verify your information quickly. When you use your PAN Card number to view your CIBIL score, it is solely used for locating and verifying your credit information.

If you do not have a PAN Card, you can still get your CIBIL Score by providing the identification number on your Passport, Voter ID, or Driver’s License.

Impact of Changing Your PAN Card on Your CIBIL Score

Changing your PAN card does not directly impact your CIBIL score, as it is calculated based on your credit history and repayment behaviour rather than your PAN card. However, your PAN card is a unique identifier for financial and credit institutions to track your financial transactions, including credit applications, repayments, and utilisation. Here’s how a change in your PAN card might indirectly affect your CIBIL score:

  • If you lose or have your PAN card stolen and need a new one, it will not impact your CIBIL score. This is because your PAN number and past information will remain unchanged. However, if you own two PAN cards, it is recommended that you surrender one to prevent any future problems.
  • When you provide your PAN details to the lenders, they will inform the credit bureaus, like CIBIL. This ensures that your credit information is correctly linked to your new PAN number, which keeps your credit report trustworthy. Failing to update your PAN information can lead to errors in your credit report, which may impact your credit score if it shows incomplete or incorrect credit behaviour.
  • Applying for a new PAN card can have a detrimental effect on your CIBIL score. This is because your credit history, linked to your current PAN card, determines your credit score. Consequently, if you request a new PAN card, the TransUnion CIBIL database may raise concerns about your account.

How Does PAN Card Help In Checking Your CIBIL Score?

Using your PAN card to check your CIBIL score is important for several reasons. This is a summary of its importance:

  • Unique Identifier: Your PAN card serves as a unique identifier, distinguishing your credit activities and financial transactions from those of others. Since it is unique to each individual, it helps ensure that credit bureau databases, such as CIBIL’s, appropriately retrieve your credit record.
  • Access to Credit Score: You must usually provide your PAN number to check your CIBIL score. This is because your PAN is connected to your credit activities and history, enabling credit bureaus to create your credit report by examining transactions and accounts linked to your PAN.
  • Accuracy in Credit Reporting: The PAN card guarantees accuracy in credit reporting. It ensures that credit information is correctly linked to the right person, which is important for maintaining a reliable CIBIL score. Any mistakes or inconsistencies can negatively affect your creditworthiness evaluation.
  • Loan and Credit Card Application: When you apply for a loan or a credit card, lenders will ask for your PAN to review your CIBIL score. This allows them to evaluate your credit reliability and make a decision on your loan application. Having a strong credit score associated with your PAN can improve your chances of getting approved for a loan and potentially secure more favourable interest rates.

How to Solve CIBIL Disputes?

CIBIL disputes refer to impertinent information present on your credit report. You must contact a credit institution or the credit bureau in case you encounter any misspelt or strange detail. As there is an involvement of both the credit bureau and the credit institution or lender, the process takes approximately 30 days to complete. The below-mentioned steps must be followed to resolve the CIBIL disputes and increase the amount of interest:

  • Get a better understanding of the issue that is affecting your credit report.
  • Once you know the issue, visit the credit agency’s official website and fill out the dispute resolution form online.
  • Upon successful submission of the form, a dispute ID or compliant ID will be received by you.
  • The credit bureau will forward a correction report to your credit institution or lender.
  • The changes will be made to your report upon approval of the lender
  • You will receive an email from the agency confirming the same.
Related Guide
How is your CIBIL score calculated?
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What is the CIBIL score for a new PAN card?

A new PAN card does not have a CIBIL score. CIBIL scores are calculated based on an individual’s credit history, which includes credit transactions and repayment behaviour.

. Will checking your CIBIL score with your PAN card affect it negatively?

No, checking your CIBIL score using your PAN card does not negatively affect it.

When PAN card details are involved, is a minimum CIBIL score required for loan approval?

When PAN card details are involved in the loan application process, lenders typically require a minimum CIBIL score for approval. The required minimum score can vary depending on the lender and the type of loan, but it is generally around 750 or above for most unsecured loans, such as personal loans and credit cards.


Is checking my CIBIL score online through a PAN card safe?

Yes, checking your CIBIL score online through your PAN card is safe, provided you use a reputable and secure website, such as the official CIBIL website or those of recognised financial institutions and credit score service providers.

Can I dispute any inaccuracies in my CIBIL report linked to my PAN card?

You can dispute any inaccuracies or discrepancies in your CIBIL report linked to your PAN card. CIBIL provides a mechanism for individuals to raise disputes related to incorrect information in their credit reports, such as errors in personal details, account information, or transaction history.

How can I ensure the security of my PAN card information when it's used for CIBIL score verification?

Be cautious about sharing full names and birth dates on suspicious websites. Monitor credit scores regularly and report any inconsistencies to the appropriate authorities. Remove PAN details or personal information stored on mobile devices.

Can I link multiple PAN cards to a single CIBIL score, such as in the case of joint accounts?

Linking multiple PAN cards to a single CIBIL score is impossible. Each person’s CIBIL score is linked to their individual PAN card. Joint account activities affect both parties’ credit scores, but each person maintains a separate score based on their credit history.

Can employers or landlords access my CIBIL score linked to my PAN card without my consent?

No, employers or landlords cannot access your CIBIL score linked to your PAN card without your consent

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