Register Your CIBIL: Individuals & Companies

At Urban Money, we know how important it is to monitor your credit score, whether you’re considering getting a new loan or a credit card or growing your business. That’s why we’re here to help make checking your credit through CIBIL super easy for individuals and companies. We’ve put together a simple guide that breaks down how to sign up and log in to CIBIL to quickly get to the important stuff—like seeing your credit score or finding out where your company stands. Whether you’re new to this whole credit thing or want to stay on top of your financial health, Urban Money’s got your back, making it easy to manage your credit without the hassle. Let’s learn how you can make things happen!

CIBIL Rank – Overview

CIBIL Rank is like a score given to businesses by TransUnion CIBIL to show how reliable they are in paying back loans. It goes from 1 to 10, with 1 being the best score, meaning the business is very likely to repay its loans on time, and 10 indicating a higher chance of not paying back. This rank is based on the company’s credit history and is mainly for businesses that borrow between ₹10 lakh and ₹50 crore. Lenders use this rank to decide if they should give a loan to a business.

Importance of CIBIL Registration for Everyone

CIBIL registration is crucial for several reasons. Here’s why:

  • Registering with CIBIL enables you to access your credit score, a numerical representation of your creditworthiness. Lenders evaluate this score when you apply for loans or credit cards.
  • Beyond the score, CIBIL provides a detailed credit report that outlines your credit history, including loans, credit cards, and payment histories.
  • A good CIBIL score, accessible through registration, opens up better opportunities for loans and credit cards with favorable terms, such as lower interest rates and higher credit limits.
  • Registration allows individuals and businesses to review their credit reports for discrepancies or errors. Correcting these errors is vital for improving their credit scores, thereby enhancing their loan eligibility.
  • Regularly monitoring your CIBIL score and report encourages financial discipline. It also helps build a strong credit profile over time.
  • Many banks and financial institutions provide pre-approved offers based on your CIBIL score. Having access to your score enables you to leverage these offers.
  • For companies, CIBIL registration and the subsequent credit rank provide a benchmark for lenders and investors, indicating the company’s credit health and risk level.

CIBIL Registration Format for Individuals

For individuals looking to register their CIBIL, here’s a format to follow:

  • Go to the CIBIL website ( and find the section for individual users.

step 1

  • Click on the ‘Get Your CIBIL Score’ or similar option to choose the subscription plan that suits your needs.

Step 2

  • Please enter the required personal information, such as your name, email address, ID type, ID number, and mobile number, in the designated form section labelled ‘Create your account’ or similar.

step 3

  • Click on ‘Accept & Continue’ or a similar button to agree to the terms and conditions and proceed to the next step.

step 4

  • Complete the ‘Verify your Identity’ section by providing the necessary details as prompted to verify your identity.
  • Proceed to the ‘Payment’ section to pay for the chosen subscription plan using available payment options.

step 5

  • Once payment is confirmed, your account will be created. You’ll receive login credentials or instructions on how to set your password.


  • Keep your government ID and other personal information handy for the registration process.
  • Ensure your payment method is ready for subscription payment.
  • Securely store your login credentials after creating your account.
  • Regularly check your email for any communication from CIBIL regarding your account or subscription.

CIBIL Login Format for Individuals

Once you have created your account, you can log in through the following steps:

  • Visit the CIBIL website and look for the ‘Login’ or ‘Member Login’ option on the homepage.

Login step 1

  • Input your username and password in the respective fields on the login page.

Login step 2

  • Click on the ‘Login’ or ‘Enter’ button to access your CIBIL account dashboard, where you can view your CIBIL score and report.

Login step 3

CIBIL Registration Format for Companies

For companies seeking to register and log in to access their CIBIL rank and report:

  • Navigate to the CIBIL website specifically for businesses (e.g., or a similar dedicated section for companies on


  • Click on the option to register or obtain your CIBIL rank, which might be labelled ‘Get Your CIBIL Rank’ or something similar.


  • Please provide the required details about your company. This includes the company name, entity type, ID type, ID value, registered office address, and contact details of the authorized signatory.

  • After entering the necessary details, click the ‘Proceed’ button or its equivalent. Then, pay the registration fee, which might be specified.

  • Upon successful payment, you will receive a CIBIL Registration ID and a transaction ID, usually sent to the registered email address. These details are crucial for the next steps and future reference.
  • Use the registration ID and other details provided to complete your account setup, following any additional instructions sent to your email.


  • Accurate and up-to-date company information is essential for a smooth registration process.
  • The registration fee is subject to change, so checking the current fee structure on the CIBIL website is advisable.
  • Record your login details and registration ID for future access and inquiries.
  • After your first login, you may be required to submit KYC documents for the authorised personnel to verify your account fully and to start receiving detailed reports and ranks.

CIBIL Login Format for Companies

Following these steps will enable companies to successfully log in to manage their CIBIL ranks and credit information:

  • Go to the CIBIL business portal or the general CIBIL website and find the login section for companies.

  • Input your company’s login ID (or username) and password. These credentials are either set during the registration process or provided to you via email upon completing registration.

  • Once logged in, you can access your company’s dashboard to view your CIBIL rank, report, and other relevant financial information.

Documents Needed for CIBIL Registration

Here are the documents that you may need while registering for MyCIBIL:

For Individuals

  • Identity Proof: PAN card, Aadhaar card, passport, voter’s ID card, or driver’s licence.
  • Address Proof: Bank passbook, electricity bill, or telephone bill.

For Companies

  • Address Proof: Bank account statement, electricity bill, or telephone bill.

Benefits of Registering Yourself or the Company on MyCibil

This platform facilitates enhanced management and monitoring of one’s credit profile. Below is a detailed exposition of the benefits associated with myCIBIL registration:

  • MyCIBIL registration allows users to avail of discounts on obtaining their credit reports. Monitoring one’s credit score and report is imperative for maintaining financial health.
  • The platform provides immediate online access to one’s CIBIL score and credit report, enabling users to keep abreast of their credit status efficiently.
  • Given that lenders utilize CIBIL scores as a primary criterion for loan evaluation, registration on myCIBIL could lead to receiving pre-approved and personalized loan offers.
  • MyCIBIL includes a dispute resolution feature allowing users to contest inaccuracies or discrepancies in their credit reports.



What is the fee for CIBIL registration?

The fee for CIBIL registration for companies is Rs.3,000.

How can my CIBIL score be registered?

Your CIBIL score can be registered by creating an account on the CIBIL website and completing the KYC process.

How frequently should individuals and companies check their CIBIL accounts after logging in?

Individuals and companies should check their CIBIL accounts at least once a year.

Is the CIBIL login process secure?

The CIBIL login process is secure, utilizing username and password credentials.

What should I do if I have trouble logging in to my CIBIL account?

If you have trouble logging in to your CIBIL account, contact CIBIL’s customer support for assistance.

Urban Money