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Canara Bank IFSC Code Overview 

IFSC code is a distinct 11-digit code that’s utilised for all three primary electronic fund transfer modes: NEFT, RTGS, and IMPS. The Indian Financial System Code, or IFSC, is a combination of alphabets and numeric digits that is primarily used to streamline and escalate the money transfer process. The Reserve Bank of India is in charge of allocating and assigning IFSC codes to all Indian banks. Canara Bank has no two branches with the same IFSC code. Each IFSC can be considered a unique key. Canara Bank IFSC and MICR code searches are simple and can be done on the bank’s website or on third-party websites.

The 11-digit alphanumeric code is subdivided into three parts. For example, CNRBOOO8463 is the IFSC code for the Canara Bank IGI Airport branch at Terminal 1B, Delhi. 

The first four characters of the code i.e. ‘CNBR’ denotes the bank’s name, while the fifth character i.e. ‘zero’ is saved for later use. On the other hand, the next six characters, ‘008463,’ are used for identifying the concerned branch, which is IGI Airport for this case. 

The initial formation of the Canara Bank IFSC code is similar but the letters representing the bank branch vary from one to another. For example, the IFSC code of the Amreli branch is CNBRB003429, whereas the Canara Bank IFSC code for the Chandigarh branch is CNRB0005144. 

C N R B 0 0 0 8 4 6 3
Name of the Bank  Zero Branch Code

How to Find Canara Bank IFSC Code?

Here’s where you can find the Canara Bank IFSC code: 

  1. On the bottom line of the cheque leaf of the Canara Bank cheque book
  2. On the front page of the bank passbook 
  3. RBI’s official website enlists IFSC codes associated with each bank branch along with its branch address
  4. Canara Bank’s official website
  5. On the top of the bank statement.

MICR Code of Canara Bank

The MICR code is printed using a Magnetic Ink Character Recognition Technology on cheques. It is a 9-digit code that helps in the identification of the bank branch. The MICR code is unique for each Canara Bank branch. It is printed on the Canara Bank’s cheque book issued to all customers.

How to Find the MICR Code? 

You can either find the MICR code on a cheque leaf or on the front page of the bank passbook. Additionally, you can look for the same on Canara bank’s official website.

Canara Bank Credit Card IFSC Code

Canara Bank also has a Credit Card IFSC Code. The credit card IFSC code is written on the credit card issued by Canara Bank. To know the credit card IFSC code you can visit the official Canara Bank website. This credit card IFSC code is mandatory and beneficial to make NEFT payments using a credit card. Additionally, it is useful to pay credit card bills through payment gateways. 

Canara Bank Main Branch IFSC Code

The below depicted tabular data represents the IFSC code of Canara Bank along with MICR Code and other branch details. 

IFSC Code: CNRB0001723
MICR Code: 110015107
Branch Code: 001723 i.e. Last Six Characters
Bank Branch: Gurgaon Main Branch
City, State: Gurgaon, Haryana
Address: Ess Kay Tower, Old Railway Road, Gurgaon 


Where can I find my Canara Bank IFSC code?

You can easily find your Canara Bank IFSC code on your cheque book, the front page of your bank passbook, through the bank’s website or a third-party site, and on the top of the bank statement.

Is the IFSC code the same for all Canara Bank?

No, the IFSC code is unique for every Canara Bank branch. For example, the code of the Amreli branch is CNBRB003429, whereas the Canara Bank IFSC code for the Chandigarh branch is CNRB0005144.

What are the IMPS charges levied by Canara Bank?

No IMPS charges are levied by the bank for transactions up to INR 25,000. If the amount exceeds INR 25,000 and is less than INR 1 Lakh, you will have to pay Rs. 8 as an IMPS charge. For transferring an amount ranging from INR 1Lakh to INR 5 Lakh, you will have to pay Rs. 15 as IMPS charges.

What is the bank code of Canara Bank?

The bank code of Canara Bank is “CNRB’ followed by fixed zero and 6 digit branch code.

How can I know the branch name of Canara Bank?

You can know the branch name of Canara Bank through its IFSC code.

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