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Enter IFSC Code to know Bank details Verify IFSC

IFSC, an acronym for Indian Financial System Code, is an alphanumeric code assigned to the bank branches to have a smooth transactional process. It is an eleven-digit code provided by the Reserve Bank of India and ensures error-free electronic payments like NEFT, RTGS and IMPS. No two banks or their branches can have the same IFSC code. The structure of the IFSC code is ABCD-0-123456 marking the bank name in the first half and branch code in the second half.

IndusInd Bank is depicted by ‘INDB’, which makes up the first four letters of its branch’s IFSC code. IFSC Code of IndusInd Bank will look something like INDB0XXXXXX.

IndusInd Bank IFSC Code Structure

The 11-digit IFSC code can be broken down into three parts. They are:

  • The first four alphabets indicate the bank name,
  • The fifth digit is a ‘0’, for future reference,
  • The last six digits indicate the branch.

For instance, INDB0000022 is the IFSC code of IndusInd Bank at Sushant Lok, Phase I, Tower B, Gurgaon. This code can be broken down into INDB-0-000022, which represents the bank name-future reference-branch code.

IndusInd Bank Branch Code

The Reserve Bank of India provides each bank branch with a six-digit code. This code ensures that each branch has its uniqueness when initiating a transaction. The branch code can be found in the IFSC code of that branch. For instance, the branch code from the IFSC code INDB0000022 is 000022 and represents Sushant Lok, Phase I, Tower B, Gurgaon. 

How to Find the IndusInd Bank IFSC Code?

This eleven-digit code can be found using both online and offline methods. One can find their IndusInd Bank IFSC code by:

Offline Methods

  • The cheque book received by the IndusInd Bank has the IFSC code printed at the top of the cheques.
  • The IFSC code is found on the first page of the passbook.
  • The bank statement has the IFSC code along with the other details of your account.
  • Visit the nearest IndusInd Bank branch.
  • Contact IndusInd Bank’s customer care at 1860267777.

Online Methods

  • Visit the IndusInd Bank’s official website.
  • Login to your account via internet banking, and you will find your IFSC code in the ‘Accounts’ section of the profile.


Where can I find my IndusInd Bank IFSC code?

One can find the IndusInd Bank IFSC code on their official website, the passbook’s first page, and the bottom part of the chequebook. One can also reach out to the IndusInd bank’s customer care at 18602677777 to know their IFSC code. You can also refer to bank statements as they have the code printed.

Is the IFSC code the same for all IndusInd Bank branches?

No, the IFSC code is different for all IndusInd Bank branches. It is a distinct code assigned to every bank branch.

What are the IMPS charges by IndusInd Bank?

IndusInd Bank allows IMPS transactions up to the amount of INR 2 Lakhs. For the amounts up to INR 10,000, INR 2.50 plus GST is charged; for the amounts between INR 10,000 – 1 Lakh, INR 5 plus GST is charged, and for the amounts between INR 1 Lakh – 2 Lakhs, INR 15 plus GST is charged.

What is the bank code of IndusInd Bank?

Bank code is a unique 3-digit code provided to a bank on an all-India basis. It is found in the middle part of the MICR code. The bank code of IndusInd Bank is 234.

How can I know the branch name of IndusInd Bank?

You can know the branch name of the IndusInd Bank by visiting their official website or the nearest branch, looking through the first page of the passbook and the cheque book.

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