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Enter IFSC Code to know Bank details Verify IFSC

Doha Bank is one of the largest commercial banks in Qatar that started operations on 15th March 1979. This bank operates in several countries and provides hassle-free transactions and other facilities. But all these facilities cater to the general public after assigning an IFSC code.

The Reserve Bank of India provides an IFSC code to all the registered banks in India. This IFSC code further helps perform all electronic or online funds transfer processes such as RTGS, NEFT or IMPS.

Doha Bank IFSC Code Structure

The unique IFSC codes are provided by RBI to all the registered banks for a safe and secure transaction of money via NEFT, RTGS and IMPS. The IFSC code also helps validate the source bank and the destination bank. 

It is an 11 digit code with numerals and alphabets. The First 4 characters are alphabets that represent the bank’s name; here, it is DOHB. The last six characters specify the branch name and location of Doha bank. The fifth character is simply a zero. This zero is reserved for future purposes.

For instance, DOHB0000003 is an IFSC code where,

DOHB: Name of the Bank

0: Fifth Reserved character

000003: Location of the Doha bank, in Kochi, Kerala.

How to Find Doha Bank IFSC Code?

You can find the IFSC code of Doha Bank in three following ways:

  • Using Cheque Book / Passbook: You will receive both a Doha bank chequebook and a passbook once you become an account holder in the bank. And to know the IFSC code of the Doha bank branch, you can look at the chequebook. Another way is to check the passbook first page and know your IFSC code.
  • Reserve Bank of India: You simply have to visit the official website of RBI and check the list of IFSC codes of the branches of Doha bank across India.
  • Netbanking / Mobile Banking Services of Doha Bank: You can know your Doha bank IFSC  code by logging into the official net banking portal provided by Doha bank.


How can I know the branch name of Doha Bank?

To know the branch name of Doha Bank, you can contact the customer care number at +91 22 6286 1111 or online visit the Doha Bank website.

What are the IMPS charges by Doha Bank?

The IMPS charges by Doha bank for an amount up to Rs. 2 lakh is Rs. 1. The maximum transaction allowed is Rs. 2 lakh. The IMPS transactions are available 24×7.

Is the IFSC code the same for all Doha Banks?

No, the IFSC code for all the Doha Banks is not the same; each branch has a different IFSC code to differentiate it from the other.

How do you find the IFSC code for Doha Bank?

You can easily find the IFSC code for Doha Bank by seeing your passbook or chequebook provided by the bank once you become an account holder. You can also contact the customer care number for the +91 22 6286 1111.

What is the bank code of Doha Bank?

Doha Bank is an 11-digit code. It starts from DOHB. And the last 6 digits represent a specific branch code of the Doha bank.

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