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Enter IFSC Code to know Bank details Verify IFSC

To identify every bank that participates in the transaction of funds, they need an IFSC (Indian Financial System Code) code. This IFSC code is allotted by the Reserve Bank of India. These codes are 11-digit alphanumeric codes and differ from one bank to another and one from one branch to another. This helps to keep track of all fund transactions between a bank or banks.

Union Bank of India IFSC Code Structure

The IFSC code structure is designed in such a way that it helps not only in identifying the bank but its branch location as well. The 11-digit alphanumeric code starting with four codes is the bank name, and 0 is the control number that can be used for future reference or when the number of branches increases. The last six digits help in identifying the branch location.

IFSC code also helps in knowing the source and destination bank while the funds transfer takes place in the backend. Indian Financial System Code also helps in transactions via IMPS, RTGS and NEFT.

For Instance, the Union Bank of India IFSC code UBIN0530786 defines the following:

  • UBIN – Name of the bank
  • 0 – For future purpose
  • 530786 – It defines the branch location

UBIN0530786 is the IFSC Code of the Union Bank of India branch 14/15-F, Connaught Place, New Delhi 110001.

How to Find the Union Bank of India IFSC Code?

You can find the Union Bank of India IFSC code using the following ways:

  • Union Bank of India Cheque Book: The IFSC code is at the top of the cheque leaf. However, the cheque number and MICR code are present at the bottom of the cheque.
  • Union Bank of India Passbook: The account holder can check their IFSC code using your passbook as provided by the bank. Another way for customers is to visit the Reserve Bank of India website and find the IFSC code or even refer to their monthly bank statements.


How can I know the branch name of Union Bank of India?

There are several ways to know your Union Bank of India branch name. You can visit the nearest branch and contact customer care at 1800 22 2244.

What are the IMPS charges by the Union Bank of India?

The IMPS charged by Union Bank of India for different amounts is as follows: Union Bank of India IMPS Limit Minimum at INR 1, while the IMPS Maximum is INR 2 Lakh. For an amount upwards of INR 1,00,000, it is INR 5 per transaction; for an amount between INR 1,00,001 to INR 2,00,000, the charges are INR 15 per transaction.

Is the IFSC code the same for all Union Bank of India?

No, the IFSC code for all the Union Bank of India is not the same for all. You can learn more about your IFSC code by visiting the nearest Union Bank of India branch.

How do you find the IFSC code for the Union Bank of India?

You can easily find the IFSC code for Union Bank of India by seeing your passbook, cheque book, bank statement, or visiting Union Bank of India’s nearest branch or online website. For more information, you can contact Union Bank of India customer care at 1800 22 2244.

What is the bank code of Union Bank of India?

Union Bank of India is an 11-digit code. It starts from UBIN. And the last six digits represent a specific branch code of the Union Bank of India.

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