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Enter IFSC Code to know Bank details Verify IFSC

Yes Bank is well-known in the banking sector of India. It is a private sector institution and has established itself through most of rural India. Having incorporated banking technologies, Yes Bank has grasped its hold in digital banking. It offers mobile banking, internet services, digital savings accounts, and more. And Yes Bank IFSC Code is the reason behind all these possibilities. IFSC code helps in the transparent transfer of funds.

Yes Bank IFSC code also allows intra bank or inter-bank transfers within India. But for the overseas customers they have to provide the Swift Code of Yes Bank instead of the Yes Bank IFSC code.

MICR Code of Yes Bank

MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. This technology is used in the banking industry for printing the code of MICR. This code consists of 9 digits. It uniquely identifies Yes Bank, its branch participating in Electronic Clearing System (ECS).

Yes Bank account holders can find the IFSC code on their passbook issued by the Bank. As an account holder, you can check the codes by visiting the banks official website or by checking the Reserve Bank of India’s official portal.

Yes Bank Credit Card IFSC Code

Yes Bank customers can use their credit cards in three ways to transfer funds to any branch or any other bank across India. One can make payments using RTGS, IMPS, and NEFT with a credit card. But these methods use IFSC codes even for credit cards. IFSC stands for Indian Financial System Code. This helps make every branch of the Bank unique as per its location.

In India, eighty-nine banks with more than thirty-nine thousand branches participate in electronic transfers using mobile apps, debit cards, UPI, and credit cards. The credit card IFSC code assures precision and translucent transfers from one place to another. 

Yes Bank IFSC Code Format

Yes Bank IFSC code’s first four digits are alphabet characters that represent the bank code. The fifth character is zero. This zero is here for future purposes. The last six digits are numbers that represent the branch code. 

Here is an example of a specific IFSC code to make you understand the format.

YESB 0 000002

Here, ‘YESB’ represents the bank name.

The 5th character is 0.

The other six characters’ 000002′ represent the branch in question.

How to Find Yes Bank IFSC Code on a Bank Cheque?

To know the IFSC code of your branch, you must refer to the chequebook issued by the Bank.

  • Open your cheque book.
  • Look at the top left corner of your cheque leaf.
  • At the end of your address, you can see an 11 digit alpha-numeric code.
  • This is known as the IFSC code of your particular branch.


Where can I find my Yes Bank IFSC code?

There are three different ways to find the Yes bank IFSC code. You can find the IFSC Code on the cheque leaf or a passbook. You can also find the code on the official website of the Bank. And, You can also find the code respective of the branch on the Reserve Bank of India’s official website.

Is the IFSC code the same for all Yes Bank branches?

No, Yes Bank branches have different IFSC codes, depending on the location.

What are the IMPS charges by Yes Bank?

The IMPS transactions are free by Yes bank.

What is the Yes Bank code?

The bank code of Yes bank is YESB0.

How can I know the branch name of Yes Bank?

You can easily find your Yes Bank IFSC code by visiting the official website. Additionally, you can look for it on the chequebook at the bottom, on the front page of your passbook, or your bank statement.

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